Q & A with Lilli Says

4:55:00 PM

Q & A With Lilli

Q: What is your name? How old are you?

A: My name is Lilliana but you can call me Lilli and I am 23 years old! (Birthday is on June 26!)

Q: What is your ethnicity/race?
A: I am Hispanic. My parents are both from the Dominican Republic! and yes I do speak both English and Spanish.

Q: Why did you start a blog?
A: I started Lilli Says as a hobby. I spend most of my time studying for school and nothing “exciting” came from it. Having something to look forward to and share with others made my life a little bit more exciting. I also tell people I am better at expressing myself in writing than actually talking. Its somewhere where I can share some of the things that inspire me in hopes that it will inspire others.

Q: What can we find in your lifestyle blog?
A: The great thing about a lifestyle blog is that it is not limited to just one topic. You can simply write about the things you love! I didn’t want to focus on just one topic I wanted to provide a range of topics so that my readers can connect more with me and also have a wide range of things to keep them interested in the long run! Lilli Says will be like an open diary where people can come and see the exciting, the boring, the fun, and everything in between about my life.

Q: What do you do when you are not blogging?
A: I am your typical girl! If I am not blogging I am in school (teacher-in-training) or doing other things that life throws at us, for example, homework, shopping, walking trails, indulging in reality shows, writing, and many more!

Q: What are you studying?
A: I graduated with my Bachelors in Spring 2014 in Sociology and I went straight into getting my Masters in Fall 2014 in Elementary Education. I am still currently working towards getting my teacher’s licensure! I hope to one day become an inclusion first grade teacher J

Q: How was it being born and raised in NYC?
A: Well…for me it was great I got to see many things that many people around the world wish for. I got to experience the “city” life and throughout gained a lot of patience through it all. Growing up in New York City just makes you feel more independent as a person at a really young age. From taking the subway alone and just walking long distances and experiencing New York alone at a young age just builds so much character in you! 

Q: How is it living in Massachusetts?
A: I have had a tough time adjusting to suburban life! Like I said in the previous question I am from NYC so it wasn’t required to learn how to drive since everywhere you go you take the subway! Having a car in NYC is completely useless since you WILL be stuck in hours long traffic, therefore, I never found the need to learn how to drive. But moving out here in a small suburban neighborhood in Massachusetts has made me so grateful for NYC subway (LOL) it has been quite the hassle getting around. Also having to adjust to everything closing at 2am and very little to do sometimes. But a lot has come out of it as well… I can say I am “one with nature” now because I have learned to be more down to earth and go on trail walks (something you cannot do in NYC for obvious reasons) and just love the nature around me! Aside from that experiencing a whole new state and meeting new people has been refreshing.

If you wish to submit a question, feel free to comment below or email me at LilliSays@gmail.com. You can also DM me on my Instagram @Lilli_Says or send me a Snapchat @Lilliana.c

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